Developing monitoring methods for naturally uncommon ecosystems
For Environment Canterbury

Trialling the use of aerial imagery to monitor changes in the extent of strongly leached terraces.

Development of monitoring aims and methods for naturally uncommon ecosystems.

Species on the Brink Survey: Kura Tāwhiti/Castle Hill Basin limestone plants
For Department of Conservation

Survey for critically endangered limestone plants at Flock Hill Station and Lance McCaskill Nature Reserve, Castle Hill Basin, Canterbury.

Dryland vegetation monitoring design
For Environment Canterbury

Design of monitoring programme to detect changes in dryland floodplain vegetation following removal of grazing and browsing by hares and rabbits.

Causes of decline in nga roimata o Tohe (Pimelea eremitica)
For Department of Conservation

Conducted survey to assess the status of the Critically Endangered shrub nga roimata o Tohe (Pimelea eremitica), including potential causes of its decline. Provided research, monitoring and management recommendations. This species occurs at only one site in Northland, and the number of plants has plummeted in the past decade.

Long-term vegetation change in the Hutt Water Collection Area, Tararua Range
For Greater Wellington Regional Council

Debra analysed data from National Vegetation Survey permanent monitoring plots to assess changes in forest growth and the impacts of browsing by goats and deer on forest understorey regeneration over a forty year period.

Lizard survey of Rakaia Island, Canterbury
For Environment Canterbury

We used a combination of artificial retreats, G’s minnow traps and visual searches to survey the lizard fauna of northern Rakaia Island. Our aim was to identify which lizard species occur there and the habitats they occupy.

Assessing long-term changes in vegetation, Port Hills, Christchurch
For Environment Canterbury

Christchurch City Council and Environment Canterbury (Canterbury Regional Council) have been monitoring permanent vegetation plots in the Port Hills, Christchurch, for ten years. Debra assessed changes in vegetation community composition over this period.

Design of mammalian predator & native bird monitoring programmes
For Environment Canterbury

Designed long-term monitoring programmes for Kowhai Bush and Waimangarara Bush, Kaikoura, to assess relative abundance of pest mammals and native bird abundance and breeding success at both sites. This monitoring will enable Environment Canterbury to determine how effective pest mammal control is at both reducing pest numbers and increasing native bird reproduction and abundance.

Pest mammal impacts on native biodiversity
For Environment Canterbury

Literature review on pest mammal impacts on native plants and animals at Kowhai Bush and Waimangarara Bush, Kaikoura. Recommendations on management actions required to protect native biodiversity from pest mammal impacts at these sites.